Pärlans Konfektyr Stockholm
The area of Södermalm is one of Stockholms most most interesting neighborhoods. You will find a lot of small shops, concept stores and nice cafe’s mixed up with a smooth and layed back street atmosphere. In the heart of this area we stumbled over this amazing candy shop called Pärlans Konfektyr. Here the employees produce handmade candy from an old 30s & 40s recipe. We were happy to join them for some hours and look over their shoulders enjoying the amazing vintage feeling in the shop.
ARTE Creative – Monja Gentschow
Monja Gentschow is a desartist from Berlin. That’s how she has basically conceived herself: as someone in-between a designer and an artist, and close to a disaster. Throughout her studies of Visual Communication at the Kunsthochschule Weißensee though she managed to overcome the disaster and turn it into a passion for the fusion of both sides.
Freunde von Freunden – Haw-lin
We’ve been following the website Haw-Lin since years. The only problem was that nobody knew who the guys behind the photography moodboard were. After some research we were surprised that we allready filmed them in some of our films and it became clear that we wanted to be the first to portrait them and somehow reveal their identities.
The shoot for Freunde von Freunden magazine took us 4 days. The idea behind it was to follow them around Berlin and portrait them while they curate their first own contend ever for Haw-Lin. While preparing for the shoot we realized that we wanted tp experiment with different picture styles and wanted to keep the whole film in a more abstract ‘Haw-Lin’ way. It was fun to work this close with Jacob and Nathan and we are looking forward to some upcoming projects.
ARTE Creative – HORT
Whenever HORT updates it’s portfolio site the whole graphic scene is holding the breath and starts discussing their latest works. The Hort family around his founder Eike König belongs to the most infuential ‘agencys’ and always pushes the boundaries of graphic design.
For Arte Creative we were visiting HORT in Berlin Kreuzberg and tried to find out what is so unique about this place and it’s creative people.
Freunde von Freunden – Frank Höhne
Frank Hoehne is one of the most talented and inspiring illustrators in Berlin. In this portrait for Freunde von Freunden magazine we enjoyed a funny afternoon in Berlin Kreuzberg and took a closer look on Frank’s very individual style.